Multi and Single Sports Events for UAE based Companies…

Get fit for business

Employees who are healthier have less sick days and are more productive than their less healthy counterparts. Active Sports and Wellness programs also help to build team comradery and a “culture of wellness,” which in turn, leads to happier, healthier, more productive employees.

Our Ethos at ISM Events is to provide companies with the opportunities to engage their employees through creating unique and tailored experiences fitting your companies needs.

Corporate Sports

The success of a business depends in large parts on the well-being of employees. Corporate sports events are proven to help improve mental and physical health, as well as increase staff retention and loyalty by creating a sense of belonging. Get out of the office, network with other corporates, increase productivity, bring the team together and most importantly have fun!

We partner with top facilities within the UAE in order to ensure that your team has the best experience and our experienced staff make sure that it is unforgettable!

Our events are a great way to stretch your employees legs , enjoy sport, relieve work related stress and pit yourselves against other companies in the best corporate sports events in the region!

"No matter how brillant your mind or strategy, if you're playing a solo game, you will always lose out to a team."

- Reid Hoffman